Um turco cortou o nariz e as orelhas da mulher como vingança por ter sido denunciado por maus-tratos e ficado três meses na cadeia.

Segundo a imprensa da Turquia, o agressor, um açougueiro de profissão, desfigurou a esposa assim que deixou a prisão onde cumpriu pena por maltratá-la.

O acusado levou a mulher até a margem de um rio na cidade de Bingol (sudeste). No local, ele mergulhou várias vezes a cabeça dela na água, além de praticar agressões verbais.

Depois, ele pegou uma faca, cortou o nariz e as orelhas da mulher e fugiu.

A esposa foi levada para um hospital e teve o rosto reconstituído por cirurgiões plásticos. Já o marido violento foi detido e mandado de volta para prisão.

Segundo as autoridades turcas, a cada três minutos uma mulher é vítima de maus-tratos no país. Os casos de violência brutal dentro de casa são frequentes no sudeste do país, onde as relações de caráter quase feudal ainda são dominantes.

 Are you gonna get lucky tonight?

You don’t have to ask your wife or girlfriend. Just read her lips.

A California firm has invented a lipstick that shows when a woman is in the mood — its color changes from clear to deep crimson when she’s feeling frisky.

It works by reacting with body chemistry.

Each $18 tube comes with a color chart so a guy can work out how randy his partner is feeling.


She couldn’t have made it easier for the cops.

Rebekah Tracht-Kader, 21, was pulled over in Holiday, Fla., by officers, who said her eyes were bloodshot and she smelled of booze and marijuana.

 They searched the car and found some excellent evidence: a green plastic box helpfully labeled “Rebekah’s pot.”


Authorities in Somerton, Ariz., are mystified by a disappearance that dates back a quarter-century, but was only just discovered.

The town opened a time capsule from 1985, and found letters, pictures and lots of other artifacts.

What was missing was a bottle of Mexican brandy.

A town official swears he watched as the box and everything in it — including the booze — was buried in concrete 25 years ago.


This dog is a speeder’s best friend.

A bulldog got through a fence at a Chattanooga, Tenn., welding shop and immediately attacked a police car in which a cop was operating a radar gun.

By the time he was collared, the pooch had chewed up two tires and the entire front bumper.


The latest innocent victims of the war on terror are security workers at the West Palm Beach airport.

They’ve been complaining about the odor left on the carpeting by passengers forced to remove their shoes.

Officials are working on a plan to replace the rugs.


Turco se vinga e corta nariz e orelhas de esposa